
My number 1 passion is health and wellness.

I have been passionate about health and wellness since 2004 when I faced a health challenge with chronic fatigue syndrome. That was a real wake up call! I realised my health was my real wealth and refused to accept a reduced and contracted life, trying everything I could until something worked.

Since recovering have directed my efforts towards proactively protecting my health. It is much easier to stay well than to try and recover your health once you have lost it.

I have set an intention to live to 104 (who knows?) so plan to age well. I want to enjoy a great life from my 60s through to my 100s. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. To keep active, keep my marbles, have a mindset that lets me enjoy the journey and explore the deeper meaning life offers.

Over the last 20 years I’ve read over 80 books, watched videos, read blog posts, subscribed to newsletters and I keep on educating myself about the latest research and breakthroughs in the areas of wellness and gerontology (study of ageing). Already a qualified counsellor, I trained as a life coach in 2013 and a holobody (holistic body) wellness coach in 2022.

I would love to share with you what I know so that you can live your best life.


  • Are you worried about becoming weak, unwell and losing your independence as you age?
  • Is “frailty” just a part of growing older, is a steady decline in your wellness as you age unavoidable?

Your answer to the first question might be yes, but take it from me, the answer to the second question is NO. I’m fitter and stronger now than I have ever been and life is good.

Here is me at 66 years old (last year) having my first ever go at stand up paddle boarding, climbing the Storey Bridge in Queensland and the Matagarup Bridge in Perth with a zip-line landing on Burswood Island.

5 steps to Ageing Well Program

1: Mindset and Identity

  • You may not have thought about your relationship with your body, but you have one. Let’s press reset and proactively work with your body to get the best out of it as you age.
  • Like everything, it is the mental game that (consciously or subconsciously) drives your behaviour. Not being aware of your underlying beliefs can hold you back. Let’s fix that before it happens.
  • Consider your desires, examine the possibilities and create a new vision for your future self.

2: Nurturing your body

  • There is SO MUCH confusion about what to eat and when. How much and how often to eat. What to eat more of and what to eat less of.
  • Without being prescriptive and without adopting any specific “diet” we will focus on your metabolic health which is the underlying driver of your wellness.
  • You can structure your life and your habits to get on auto pilot for success. Let’s do that together!

3: Moving your body

  • What do you love and want to be able to continue doing as you age? (Refer back to step 1 where we identified a new vision for your future self.)
  • We will focus on building muscle mass, keeping the oxygen flowing and maintaining stability to avoid falls.
  • And the most important thing: moving your body has to be fun, fit into your lifestyle, and something you enjoy doing.

4: Restoring your body and mind

  • Unfortunately, even if we have been a good sleeper when younger, sleep seems to elude us when we age. However sleep is the best medicine for your brain and we need to make sure you are getting enough of it.

5: Emotional Health

  • Feeling happy, connected and fulfilled is an important part of living well.
  • You can be physically strong and well and live a long life, but what’s the point in living longer if you just have more years to be miserable? And it is a two way street: misery and unhappiness can drag your physical health down.
  • So it is important to address your emotional health.

You can see how the 5 steps to Ageing Well Program is holistic, yes?

Also note that it is not use a cookie cutter approach. One of my top strengths is individualism – I recognise the unique physical, mental, emotional and spiritual make up of each person. So we wil go deep on some steps and skip over others. It all depends on where you are at and what you need.

I’m excited to help you with your wellness journey. Contact me!